Kincardine Record
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Once Upon a time: History on tape – the life of Laura McPhail

November 13, 2024

Nov. 2, 1979, Laura McPhail sat before a cassette recorder and began to talk about her life in Southampton. She was taking part in a Bruce County Historical Society project — recording oral histories of early life in the county. Tapes made by 15 senior citizens are now stored per...

​No to transient housing in Kincardine’s downtown core

November 10, 2024

To the Editor: This week, Kincardine council revealed its plans to turn a portion of the parking lot behind the Bruce Power Training Centre (the former W.E. Thompson Public School across from Victoria Park) into a space for (at this point) 34 single-bed studio apartments. Council us...

Kim Shorts: Falling is not fun

November 7, 2024

Falling can be dangerous at any age, and more so as you get older. I can attest to that. I’ve had a number of falls in the past few years that really stuck with me. Three of them involved snow or ice. One did not … and that floor mat won. Since it is Fall Prevention Month,...

​Community Matters: Building on region’s strengths

November 1, 2024

The tri-county region of Bruce, Grey and Huron, also known as Ontario’s Clean Energy Frontier, has long been the hub for the province’s supply of safe and reliable nuclear energy. Building on decades of energy production and a spirit of innovation, the area is also becoming...

Once Upon a Time: Finding “Africa” in Lake Huron - a shipwr...

October 16, 2024

When the husband-and-wife film-making team, Zach Melnick and Yvonne Drebert, was planning its latest film, discovering a 128-year-old shipwreck off the Bruce Peninsula wasn’t part of the script. But that’s what happened in June, 2023. Yvonne and Zach found the wreck while f...

Process to “re-imagine” Victoria Park was flawed, says reader

October 6, 2024

To the Editor: The following is an open letter to Kincardine council: I would like to comment on the process used for “re-imagining” Victoria Park. Victoria Park has been in place for well over a century. It is an historical area of town that is “olde world&rdqu...

Kim Shorts: Thankful for pie

October 3, 2024

Fall is the time of year that brings many changes, and when October rolls around, it also ushers in Thanksgiving. I’m reminded by my partner, Jim, that during this month we should be thankful for so many things. To be lucky enough to have a roof over our heads, to live in an area...

​We must preserve our trees

October 2, 2024

To the Editor: Oct. 1, I woke up to the loud noise of chainsaws which lasted all morning. The neighbours behind our house were having trees cut down. They were clearing their backyard by cutting down at least 12 healthy trees! It was explained to me that they want a garden. What a sham...

​South Bruce residents need reliable information to vote on...

September 30, 2024

To the Editor: What is an expert and who can you trust to help you make sound decisions? At one time, identifying people with expertise in a subject was much simpler. You would walk into their office and see their degrees and certificates hanging on the wall and would be assured of ...

​Leave the leaves

September 28, 2024

To the Editor: One of the great aspects of living in this part of the world is the change of seasons and the ways in which they shape our perceptions and activities. Autumn is a sensory delight with the sight of brightly-coloured, swirling leaves, the crunch of leaves underfoot and ...

​Kincardine parks require repairs not re-imagining, says re...

September 27, 2024

To the Editor: RE: “Concept for Victoria Park, Kincardine, to be unveiled at open house, Oct. 1” I am of the opinion that Kincardine parks do not require re-imagining. They fit the needs today based on money available. However repairs are required for broken items. In...

​Thank you to all who supported the Movember in September G...

September 26, 2024

To the Editor: This letter acknowledges all the amazing people and businesses in this area that made this year’s Movember in September Golf Classic a great success. This was the fourth year of the tournament and our biggest yet, raising $35,000 for men's health. I am so pr...

​Readers object to Kincardine council’s mishandling of Seco...

September 23, 2024

To the editor: Our deputy mayor, Andrea Clarke, in an open letter to Kincardine residents states: “We are a small community that prides itself on acceptance, welcoming one another and kindness and that has not changed.” Seven councillors have decided that Dr. Solomon Sec...

Writers question wisdom of Kincardine council in destroying...

September 22, 2024

To the Editor: I get the impression that members of the Kincardine municipal council believe themselves to be a very knowledgeable group. However, they seem rather short in the wisdom department. Councillor Bill Stewart says the Dr. Solomon Secord Monument has already been destroyed...

Writers call for conversations and dialogue regarding Secor...

September 22, 2024

To the Editor: An open letter to the residents of Kincardine There has been much discussion about council’s decision to decommission the Secord Monument. While I understand the divisive nature of the debate and the decision, it was certainly not taken lightly or quickly. Ea...

​Residents angry and saddened by destruction of Secord Monu...

September 21, 2024

To the Editor: Like Jon Farrell, I am proud of Kincardine. However, I respectfully disagree with his praise of council's work regarding the Secord Monument. To recap council’s actions:   Created this issue. Disregarded decisions made by previous councils and...

​Kincardine resident loses all respect for council after de...

September 20, 2024

To the Editor: In the six years of representing the Municipality of Kincardine, I have never been so ashamed of being a councillor. This handwritten letter arrived in my mailbox this week with no name attached to it. It came from an 88-year-old resident who has lived in our communit...

Once Upon a Time: Step back in time with farm diaries

September 19, 2024

What better way to learn about a pioneer settler’s daily life than by reading his/her diary? In the Archives at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre, there is a collection of 107 rural diaries written by 13 residents of Bruce County.   Archivist Deb Sturdevant (ri...

​Secord Monument has been destroyed

September 18, 2024

To the Editor: I am very sad to report that part of our history, the Secord Monument, has been destroyed already, without ceremony or councillors being present. I was working on litigation to protect our history but the staff at the municipality worked faster than my lawyers. Thi...

​Don’t let hatred divide a lovely Canadian town, says reader

September 18, 2024

To the Editor: RE: “Proud of my town” Jon Farrell’s letter (“Proud of my town,” Sept. 14, 2024) was a thoughtful and positive plea to all residents of Kincardine, and indeed, to all Canadians, to remember the past but not revere it. Like all tasks wort...

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