Purple Grove news
Friday evening, the community gathered for a card party at the Grove. It's great to get together and catch up with each other; having neighbours, family and friends around us is a great blessing!
Thanks to the Ripley-Huron Legion for hosting Wing Nights as it makes for a great change of supper options!
Extending our birthday greetings and well wishes to Evelyn Elliott who celebrated her 100th birthday Feb. 8; and to Leanne Smith, Diane Clifford, Rick Cliffe, and Garrett Roberts!
Get well wishes to those in our community who are home from hospital and travelling for treatments. We are certainly fortunate to have closer centres for ongoing cancer treatments and dialysis units in our area!
It's almost time to sign up for 4-H again! Bruce County membership fees are $50, due by April 1, thanks to generous donations from Roberts Farm Equipment! Check out the website at
Question: What is the longest word in the English language? SMILE - because there’s a MILE in it! Take care, everyone!
The Purple Grove Women's Institute February meeting was relocated to the home of Fran Farrell last Wednesday. President Brenda de Leeuw welcomed everyone and we sang the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect.
Janet Nixon read the Scripture, followed by the business items. Get well cards were prepared and correspondence reviewed. Brenda read a fun poem about aging that concluded, "On the inside, I'm the same old me. It's the outside that's changed a bit."
The program about human trafficking awareness was presented by Brenda. She obtained the resources from South Bruce OPP constable Kevin Martin, community safety officer, who has retired from this position.
It is important to educate ourselves on the serious crime of human trafficking which is happening in our area. We now understand how important it is to be vigilant in protecting our vulnerable youth and young people. There are several resources available from the Violence Prevention Grey Bruce Anti-Human Trafficking Committee and also a "Guide for Parents on Domestic Trafficking."
There are information sessions in Kincardine, Feb. 20, and Owen Sound, Feb. 22, to recognize Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Check out the website
trellis.org/htawarenessday to get a free ticket.
Convener Deanna Scott had some fun Valentine’s Day trivia and quotes to share.
Thanks to Cheryl Bridge and Diane Clifford for a great lunch, and a social time followed.
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