Kincardine Record
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​Customers needed better notice of emergency power outage, says reader

Letter to the EditorBy: Letter to the Editor  April 16, 2024
​Customers needed better notice of emergency power outage, says reader
To the Editor:

RE: “Kincardine without hydro Saturday while Hydro One fixed broken poles on Highway 21”

Your positive report on the power outage, Saturday, April 13, was well-earned by Hydro One and the many emergency workers involved in replacing the downed poles.

My biggest concern that day was that power customers were not informed of the time and length of the emergency outage, not even businesses.

Many businesses were caught short and scrambling to accommodate customers caught in the moment! It was reassuring to hear of businesses helping each other to avoid product loss.

I really hope future outages can be handled more efficiently with notice being made to customers so they can prepare.

Again, job well done!

Caryl Scheel

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