Kincardine Record
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​Kincardine to maintain all-way stops along Huron Terrace

Liz DadsonBy: Liz Dadson  July 21, 2024
​Kincardine to maintain all-way stops along Huron Terrace
Kincardine council has agreed to maintain the three all-way stop intersections along Huron Terrace, permanently.

The all-way stops at Lambton and St. Albert Streets, were placed there temporarily during the closure of the Queen Street Bridge for reconstruction in 2020. Three years later, due to the reconstruction of downtown Queen Street and traffic diverted to Huron Terrace, an all-way stop was placed at Broadway as well, to reduce the overall length of uninterrupted traffic and to provide additional locations for controlled pedestrian crossing.

In a report to council Wednesday night (July 10), operations manager Corey Voisin stated that staff has reviewed the three temporary all-way stops along Huron Terrace and recommends keeping them in place.

He stated that through the implementation of the all-way stops, staff found success along this stretch of Huron Terrace that ultimately reduced the continuous speed of motorists and found a reduced number of complaints from residents about speeding along this stretch of roadway compared to previous years.

A summary of the traffic analysis of Broadway and Huron Terrace, collected over a seven-day period, indicates that 52,488 vehicles passed through the intersection, with an average of 7,500 vehicles per day. Motor vehicle collision data was collected from the South Bruce OPP and found that a total of six accidents occurred at this intersection from 2019-22 and no accidents have been recorded since the all-way stop was implemented in 2023.

Lambton Street and Huron Terrace traffic data was collected over a seven-day period and found that 50,704 vehicles passed through that intersection, with an average of 7,250 vehicles per day. Motor vehicle collision data was collected from the police and found that one accident was recorded over the past five years and no accidents have been recorded since the all-way stop was implemented in 2020.

St. Albert Street and Huron Terrace data was collected over a seven-day period and found that 32,756 vehicles passed through that intersection with an average of 4,700 vehicles per day. Motor vehicle collision data was collected from the police and found that one accident was recorded over the past five years and no accidents have been recorded since the all-way stop was implemented in 2020.

The report states that the risk of removing the current all-way stop configuration could potentially cause motor vehicle accidents at these locations due to the inherent nature of local traffic continuing as if current conditions exist and, therefore, motorists may advance into the intersection expecting another vehicle to stop when it is no longer a controlled all-way stop.

Council agreed.

An amendment to the traffic and parking bylaw will come to council at a future meeting.

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