West Region OPP remind public not to leave pets unattended in cold vehicles
(LONDON, ON) - Members of the West Region OPP remind all pet owners to never leave their pet unattended in a cold motor vehicle.
This could have deadly consequences for your pet. If it's too cold for you to sit inside the vehicle, then it's too cold for your pet.
If you own, or are caring for, companion animals, you need to take extra precautions to protect them from the extreme cold.
The best place for your pet is inside, except when you take them outside for exercise or if it is a breed of dog capable of surviving outdoor weather. Even long-haired dogs that are accustomed to being outside, need extra precautions when the temperature plummets.
Never leave your cat or dog alone in a car during cold weather. Cars hold in the cold, acting like refrigerators, which could cause your pet to freeze to death.
A domesticated pet is dependent on the owner for proper care, such as food, shelter and water. The Criminal Code of Canada has specific sections that deal with the mistreatment of animals:
- Cause unnecessary suffering - maximum sentence of five years in jail
- Injure or endanger an animal - maximum sentence of five years in jail
- Neglect an animal - maximum sentence of two years in jail
If you see an animal in a vehicle on a cold day, and you believe it may be in distress, gather as much information as you can. Obtain the make, model and licence plate of the vehicle, and immediately enter the nearest store and have the owner paged, and contact police.
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