Kincardine Record
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​Bervie W.I. members discuss why they joined W.I. and what they enjoy about it

Islay EbyBy: Islay Eby  January 9, 2025
​Bervie W.I. members discuss why they joined W.I. and what they enjoy about it
The Bervie Women’s Institute met at the Bervie United Church, Wednesday morning, and it was nice to see everyone on another snowy morning. Our December meeting was cancelled due to bad weather.

After the usual openings, president Bev Berndt opened the meeting with the reading, “1957 Remember” – lots of humour of what costs were in 1957.

Nine members answered the Roll Call: “Why did you join W. I. and what do you enjoy about it?” Many members were 4-H leaders who later joined the W.I.

Everyone enjoyed talking to member Elsie Schular who phoned into the meeting to say hello.

Betty Jean White read the minutes of the Nov. 6 meeting and Islay Eby gave the treasurer’s report. Sandra MacDonald provided the Sunshine Report and Ellen Waye gave the Tweedsmuir Report. Ellen also gave an update on her involvement with the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO) and the upcoming annual meeting.

Islay reported on the Kincardine and Community Health Care Foundation appreciation event held at the Pavilion in November.

Betty Jean advised that the insurance was looked after and the bylaws will be reviewed at the April meeting. We will do the Books, Bears and Blankets project in February.

Bev read “Our Story – W.I. History” which explained the beginning of W.I. in 1897 and the involvement in many projects since that time.

A collection was held for the Kincardine Food Bank; this was missed at the December meeting.

The meeting closed with the Closing Ode and God Save the King.

Our next meeting will be held Wednesday, Feb. 5, at the church, with “Fitness” as the theme.

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