Bervie Women's Institute travels to automated dairy farm on 5th Concession
The Bervie Women's Institute met at the home of Islay Eby, Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 10 a.m., with agriculture being the theme. Nine members answered the Roll Call with your favourite dairy product - ice cream won out.
After the usual openings, it was noted that Feb. 19 is the W.I.'s 121st anniversary. Ellen Waye reported on the Family Heritage Day to be held at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre in Southampton, Family Day, Feb. 19. She is looking for helpers.
Several will attend the District Director’s meeting in Chesley, March 1, at 10 a.m. Islay Eby will purchase some little story books to go along with the teddy bears and small blankets that the Bervie W.I. will present to the Kincardine Fire Department later in February through the Canada Comforts program. Mildred Griffith gave the flower report and also noted a thank you from Alice Needham for the cards she had received.
The group then travelled to the dairy farm of Ron Eisen and family on the 5th Concession, where the ladies saw cows being milked and fed by robots. This is a very modern, automated dairy operation.
Following the excursion, Diane Wilson provided tasty snacks.
The next Bervie W.I. meeting will take place at RVilla in Ripley, March 7 at 2 p.m.
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