Kincardine Record
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Kincardine council should rethink applying for grant for In...

September 9, 2015

Open letter to Kincardine council: RE: "Kincardine defers decision on giving Inverhuron water and sewer project second chance at funding"   I’m writing you as a taxpayer, a permanent resident at Inverhuron and a concerned citizen. I was stunned listening to ...

Kincardine should reconsider application for Inverhuron wat...

September 7, 2015

To the Editor: I was extremely disappointed with Kincardine council at the Sept. 2 council meeting where it failed to proceed with an application for the Inverhuron water and sewer project. We need the sewers! For the past six years, the residents of Inverhuron have been making deci...

We, in the north, should have safe route home in a snowstor...

September 7, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Kincardine council should work as a team for the safety of the community, says reader" Very well put.  When the B-line is closed, we who live north of Kincardine, are totally ignored.  It has not happened recently, but years ago, I got stu...

Kincardine council should work as a team for the safety of ...

September 4, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Great gate debate continues unabated" Good article! It seems there are some members of council who have decided their choices on this debate will not be changed. This is just stubborn. They are digging their heels in, and refuse to explore any oth...

Thank you for excellent article in the Kincardine Record

September 3, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Kincardine okays safety audit of Station Beach including north and south piers" Liz Dadson, congratulations on an excellent article in Thursday's Kincardine Record. Your balanced and professional reporting exemplifies the important role the media h...

Kincardine council should open Inverhuron-Lorne Beach gate ...

August 16, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Further Great Gate Debate fails to change policy; gate remains closed" Kincardine council should look at the other options for the Inverhuron-Lorne Beach gate. Even a trial with the gate open this winter. Don't say you're happy with the arrange...

Great to have activities in town for singles, says reader

August 13, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "There are shortcuts to happiness ... dancing is one of them" It is so nice to know you don't need a partner. I am alone, and I just love to dance. In the winter it is sometimes hard to get out of town. What a pleasure it is to know there are thi...

Sad to hear Dr. Michael Gora is leaving, says reader

August 13, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Kincardine losing general surgeon in the fall" I was so saddened to hear the news that Kincardine's general surgeon, Dr. Michael Gora, is leaving. He has handled two procedures for me, one very complicated! This young man went above and beyond,&nbs...

There are shortcuts to happiness ... dancing is one of them

August 12, 2015

To the Editor: Having spent summers here in the past, we know that Kincardine is a friendly and welcoming town with lots of interesting festivals and cultural events. We recently moved to the area and were looking for a fall-to-spring activity to get us through the winter. During a ...

It's important that Day Away Program remains in Kincardine,...

August 10, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Volunteers, clients, caregivers upset Kincardine Day Away to close at end of September" The closing of the Day Away Program in Kincardine is very upsetting and disruptive to the participants and their caregivers. As a caregiver, I see what a support th...

Kincardine has no safety equipment at the piers, says reader

August 3, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Police search for missing swimmer near Kincardine Harbour" Related to the unfortunate situation of the missing swimmer at the south pier, Sunday afternoon, I noticed that at either of these piers, both north and south, there is no safety equipment whatsoe...

Reader hopes Day Away program will not be lost in Kincardine

July 30, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Volunteers, clients, caregivers upset Kincardine Day Away to close at end of September" My guess is that a lot of people are unaware of this great program. Hope this article raises more awareness and that this program is not lost in Kincardine.  ...

Thanks for honouring Captain Canada's achievements, says re...

July 28, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Captain Canada, Brad Kirkconnell, is Kincardine MVP, says Keith Davidson" I am glad you've honoured Brad Kirkconnell (Kirk) with such a great history of all he has done. His wife, Faye, has been by his side and I thank her too. I've often said ...

What a wonderful program, sending bikes to Africa, says reader

July 21, 2015

  To the Editor: RE: "District Lions load up almost 500 bikes to ship to Cape Town, South Africa" To the Editor: RE: "District Lions load up almost 500 bikes to ship to Cape Town, South Africa" WOW! I am impressed with the dedication and work put into s...

Easy for the opposition to say ...

July 8, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Brown says if PCs were in power, Kincardine would have funding for a new hospital" Sigh … so easy to say when you are a member of the Opposition.   No need for substance behind the talk….   Anne Bromfield Kincardine &n...

Scottish Festival videos appreciated in Scotland, says reader

July 5, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Perfect weather kicks off the 16th annual Kincardine Scottish Festival" I was reading your article on the Kincardine Scottish Festival and Highland Games. My son is over in Canada, from Scotland, to compete in the games and was in the YouTube clips in ...

Neonic ban - the only science being used is political scien...

June 30, 2015

July 1, the new regulation banning the use of the neonicotinoid (neonic) pesticide on 80 per cent of corn and soybean acreage will come into effect across Ontario. The ban, introduced by the Liberal government back in the fall of 2014, has farmers from across the province nervous for thei...

Captain Canada, Brad Kirkconnell, is Kincardine MVP, says K...

June 29, 2015

Dear Editor:   RE: CAPTAIN CANADA   Okay, Kincardine, here is another 50-year trivia question for you.   Who in the last half-century is Kincardine's MVP - Most Valuable Person? I have you thinking again, don't I? I am a little biased but I think i...

Praise to organizers of Kincardine Relay for Life

June 24, 2015

Hello Liz, RE: "Kincardine Relay for Life raises about $33,000 for cancer research"   Just wanted to say thanks for the story on the Relay For Life in Kincardine this past weekend  It was my first time doing it and, to be honest, it was more of a challenge, b...

HALT-SAFE Armow did all it could do in defence of the commu...

June 24, 2015

RE: Kroeplin-Armow Wind appeal denied   Dear Neighbour:   May 28, 2015, without explanation, the Ontario Court of Appeal denied us leave to appeal the Divisional Court decision on the Armow Wind, K2 and St. Columban industrial wind turbine developments. This brought an a...

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