Kincardine Record
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South Bruce OPP report cash recovered; break-in; and remind...

February 6, 2015

GOOD SAMARITANS HELP RECOVER LOST MONEY (KINCARDINE TWP, ON) – Feb. 2, at 3 p.m., the South Bruce OPP received a quantity of cash that had been found near the Canadian Tire parking lot in Kincardine Township.  Officers managed to locate the owner and the money was returned....

NWMO outlines next steps in process of township hosting use...

February 5, 2015

Huron-Kinloss Township is one of 11 communities still in the running to host a used-nuclear-fuel Deep Geologic Repository (DGR). To that end, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) spoke to council at its general committee meeting Monday afternoon (Feb. 2), outlining the next s...

Winners announced in 2014 Lucknow, Ripley Holiday Shopping ...

February 5, 2015

The results are in for the 2014 Lucknow and Ripley Holiday Shopping Pass. Congratulations to the three lucky winners of $150 Huron-Kinloss shopping sprees: Bev Menary of Lucknow, Chad Silva of London, and Anita Rutledge of Ripley. In total, 1,299 completed passes were submitted to Hur...

Bruce Power begins relicencing process in Ottawa

February 5, 2015

Bruce Power president and chief executive officer Duncan Hawthorne and senior staff were in Ottawa Thursday morning, Feb. 5, for the first part of a Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) hearing into the five-year licence renewal for the Bruce Nuclear site in the Municipality of Kinca...

Kincardine council okays plan to find out current status of...

February 4, 2015

In a narrow, 5-4 recorded vote, Kincardine council has agreed to find out the current status of the proposed sale of Bruce Telecom to Bragg Communications (Eastlink).   Announced last January, the deal was scuttled in August after the Competition Bureau refused to allow the sale,...

Tiverton Agricultural Society - planning for 2015 Fall Fair

February 4, 2015

Warm greetings from the Tiverton Agricultural Society! Our heartfelt thanks go out to last year’s executive who faithfully served us so well.   Our new executive took office in January. They are:  president Tom Evans, 1st vice-president Anne Marie Gomes, 2nd vice-pr...

Township residents urged to leave faucet running to prevent...

February 3, 2015

Residents of Huron-Kinloss Township are being urged to leave an inside faucet running during periods of extreme cold weather. Two incidents were reported in the Point Clark area Monday. If you have, or suspect you may have, a frozen waterline, contact Veolia Water Canada at 519-524-...

South Bruce OPP report three-day suspension; and urge motor...

February 3, 2015

THREE-DAY SUSPENSION SERVED AT RIDE (KINCARDINE, ON) – Jan. 30, at 10:48 p.m., members of the South Bruce OPP were conducting a RIDE check on Russell Street in Kincardine, when a black Pontiac Torrent was stopped.  Officers found that the driver had been drinking alcohol. A...

Local MPPs call on health minister to stop closure of Resto...

February 3, 2015

A joint letter from Huron-Bruce MPP Lisa Thompson and Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker is calling on Ontario health minister Eric Hoskins to stop the closure of the Restorative Care Unit (RCU) program in Chesley. The two local MPPs have also invited the minister to visit the Chesl...

New website aims to help residents of Bruce, Grey and Huron...

February 3, 2015

Bruce Power and a coalition of agencies and municipalities with an interest in public safety, have launched a new website to provide residents of Grey, Bruce and Huron counties with the information they need to prepare for emergencies. The website,, is an...

Kincardine council gives initial approval to Bruce Telecom ...

February 2, 2015

Kincardine council has given initial approval to the 2015 budget for Bruce Telecom. In committee-of-the-whole during the special council meeting last night (Feb. 2), Steve Soychak, chief financial officer of the telephone company, presented the budget and stressed that it represents the ...

Ask the Pharmacist

February 2, 2015

<p><strong>Q: I am told I have an Upper Respiratory Infection (URI), but I wasn&rsquo;t given an antibiotic despite being very sick. What can I do?&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A:&nbsp; A respiratory infection can leav...

Purple Grove news

February 2, 2015

<p>The Ripley and District Agricultural Society held its meeting Jan. 19 with a good attendance. Everyone enjoyed the special speakers, Sheila (Osborne) and Garry Smart of Meaford. They talked about their trip to Argentina last fall.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <...

South Bruce OPP report impaired drivers

February 2, 2015

IMPAIRED DRIVER FACING DAY IN COURT (CARRICK TWP, ON) – Jan. 31, at 6:55 p.m., a South Bruce OPP officer on patrol along the Huron-Bruce Road in Carrick Township, stopped a red Ford F150 pick-up truck.  The officer found that the driver had been drinking alcohol. Sixty-year...

Twenty-three walkers raise about $6,000 at Walk For Memorie...

February 1, 2015

A total of 23 walkers raised about $6,000 at the Walk For Memories held Saturday morning at Huron Heights Public School, Kincardine. People attended from the Kincardine and Saugeen Shores area, walking in memory of a loved one or in honour of someone who is still battling Alzheimer Dis...

Youth working backstage in KTG production of "Ten Time...

February 1, 2015

The three actors on stage may be Kincardine Theatre Guild veterans, but behind-the-scenes, there are youthful, new faces helping out with the production of "Ten Times Two," which opens Thursday, Feb. 12, at the Kincardine Arts Centre. Director Rob Millar of Kincardine has his...

Classroom of the Future slated for Bruce Power Training Centre

February 1, 2015

A "Classroom of the Future" will be built at the Bruce Power Training Centre, located in the former W.E. Thompson School, at the corner of Princes and Russell Streets, near downtown Kincardine. John Peevers, manager of investor and media relations at Bruce Power, says the cla...

Anne Eadie tells KTTPS students about her job as mayor of K...

January 31, 2015

If you want to be elected mayor of Kincardine, you have to work hard, and once you get the job, you have to work even harder. That's the word from Kincardine mayor Anne Eadie as she spoke to the Grade 3 students at Kincardine Township-Tiverton Public School, Thursday afternoon. A ...

Community Living seeks public input for three-year strategi...

January 31, 2015

The Community Living of Kincardine and District board of directors is engaging its stakeholders in collecting information to develop strategic directions for the next three years.  It is important to collectively look ahead to map out how the agency can best address the opportunitie...

Ripley Horticultural Society installs new executive

January 31, 2015

The Ripley and District Horticultural Society held its first meeting of the new year, Jan. 21. The group installed its new executive which includes president Ann Finlayson, vice-president Sandra MacDonald, and directors Shirley Galloway, Valerie Gibson, Joan Barr, Janet Nixon, Helen Va...

Drug possession charges laid in Goderich

January 31, 2015

(GODERICH, ON) – The Huron County OPP has charged a 53-year-old male driver of North Huron, following a traffic stop Jan. 13.  At approximately 11:45 p.m., a Huron OPP officer spotted a Pontiac Sunfire turn off of Courthouse Square onto Kingston Street. The officer stopped the...

Tiverton news

January 31, 2015

A Valentine's Day Tea will be held Saturday, Feb. 14, from 1:30-3:30 p.m., at the Tiverton Knox Presbyterian Church, hosted by the Knox Youth Group. Cost is by donation. Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper is Tuesday, Feb. 17, from 5-6:30 p.m., at the Tiverton Knox Presbyte...

KTTPS students celebrate Family Literacy Day

January 30, 2015

Kincardine Township-Tiverton Public School celebrated Family Literacy Day, Jan. 27, to help raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities. Many of the staff and students wore pajamas to school to help mark this special day. Students in ...

About 50 adults and children take in Community Snowshoe Walk

January 30, 2015

More than 50 adults and children turned out for the first annual Community Snowshoe Walk at Stoney Island Sunday (Jan. 25). Sunshine and snowy trails greeted excited faces, including first-timers to snowshoeing. This free community event was hosted by the Kincardine Cross-Country Ski Cl...

More than 17,000 people join Hawthorne in Telephone Town Hall

January 29, 2015

More than 17,000 people in Bruce, Grey and Huron counties listened in as Bruce Power president and chief executive officer Duncan Hawthorne addressed questions on a variety of topics, during the second annual Telephone Town Hall, Tuesday night. The open forum featured about 20 question...

Now is the time for Kincardine council to stop being irresp...

January 29, 2015

To the Editor: RE: "Kincardine scraps proposed 8.7-per-cent tax-rate increase" Today our OAP came in. The increase over last year?  ZIP!  NADA!  ZILCH!  Does that mean there is no inflation? Apparently not, as CPP went up a few dollars.  Again, tha...

South Bruce OPP report drug and alcohol charges; and vehicl...

January 29, 2015

TRAFFIC STOP LEADS TO DRUG CHARGE (WALKERTON, ON) – Jan. 25, at 11:48 a.m., a South Bruce OPP officer on patrol along Durham Street West in Walkerton, stopped a beige Nissan S18.  The officer found a quantity of illegal drugs in the vehicle. The driver, an 18-year-old Walke...

Kincardine residents argue on both sides of the Great Gate ...

January 28, 2015

Five years ago, Kincardine council decided not to allow public traffic through a gate between Upper Lorne Beach Road and Victoria Street in Inverhuron, when Highway 21 and Bruce County Road 23 (B-line) were closed because of a snowstorm. At that time, discussion centred on a 2007 polic...

Huron OPP looking for pellet gun shooter; report aggressive...

January 28, 2015

POLICE LOOKING FOR PELLET GUN SHOOTER (GODERICH, ON) – Huron County OPP officers have been busy investigating a rash of mischief incidents that have occurred in the Town of Goderich over the past couple weeks. A half- dozen cases of windows and vehicles being shot and damaged by...

Huron OPP investigating fatality north of Goderich

January 28, 2015

(ASHFIELD-COLBORNE-WAWANOSH, ON) -  Huron County OPP and members from the OPP West Region Technical Traffic Collision Investigation Team are investigating a fatal motor vehicle crash that occurred early Tuesday evening, Jan. 27, just north of Goderich.  At 6:45 p.m., officers...

Huron OPP report alcohol and drug charges

January 27, 2015

AUTOMATED LICENCE PLATE RECOGNITION SYSTEM PAYS DIVIDENDS (ASHFIELD-COLBORNE-WAWANOSH, ON) -  A 26-year-old Kincardine man is facing a slew of charges following a traffic stop Jan. 18.  At approximately 8:10 p.m., a Huron County OPP officer was patrolling on Bluewater Veter...

$500,000 loss in C&M Construction building fire

January 27, 2015

The fire Friday night at C&M Construction, south of Armow on Sideroad 15, has resulted in a total loss of the building and its contents, estimated at more than $500,000. Kincardine fire chief Kent Padfield said the call came in at 7:24 p.m., and firefighters arrived to find a stora...

Scammer nets almost $1,400 from resident of Arran-Elderslie

January 27, 2015

(SOUTHERN BRUCE COUNTY, ON) – Jan. 26, at 7:40 p.m., the South Bruce OPP received the report of a fraud from a resident of Arran-Elderslie.  An urgent phone call was made to advise that his “grandson” had been in a crash and needed money badly.  A sum of almos...

Kincardine scraps proposed 8.7-per-cent tax-rate increase

January 26, 2015

By a narrow 5-4 recorded vote, Kincardine council has decided to scrap its proposed 8.7-per-cent tax increase and is going back to the drawing board on the 2015 budget.   In committee-of-the-whole last night (Jan. 26), council spent an excessive amount of time debating the capita...

Ask the Pharmacist

January 26, 2015

Q: My thyroid medication doesn't seem to be working. Is it possible that my body is resistant to it?   A: The thyroid hormone pill, levothyroxine (Eltroxin, Synthroid), is given to people who have low levels of the hormone in their body. This low thyroid level, also known as...

Sold-out crowd celebrates Scottish bard at annual Robbie Bu...

January 25, 2015

It was a sold-out crowd Saturday night as about 170 people gathered at the Kincardine Legion to celebrate the Scottish bard, at the 21st annual Robbie Burns Supper. Hosted by the Kincardine Scottish Pipe Band, the event opened with the Piper's Welcome, played by Steve Wolfe. Joh...

Former South Bruce OPP commander set to retire at end of March

January 25, 2015

After 30 years as a police officer, inspector Scott Smith is looking forward to Freedom 55. The former South Bruce OPP detachment commander is set to retire March 27.   Smith started his policing career with the Peel Regional Police in 1984. He joined the OPP in 1988, repor...

News from the Pine River Watershed Initiative Network (PRWIN)

January 24, 2015

At the McLarty Environmental Study Area (ESA), located at Bruce County Road 6 and Sideroad 20, the Pine River Watershed Initiative Network (PRWIN) created another wetland to help in the creation of this ecosystem. Not only did PRWIN project co-ordinator Adrienne Mason spearhead the proje...

Tiverton news

January 24, 2015

Condolences go out to the family and friends of Sherry Lang who lost her battle with cancer Jan. 20. She was a long-time employee of Tiverton Park Manor and her smiling face and laughter will be sadly missed by her co-workers and residents. Sherry was originally from the Parry Sound area....

Ask the Pharmacist

January 24, 2015

Q: I have a bunch of white patches on my skin. What's going on? A: We all have yeast living on our skin just like we have bacteria. When the yeast grows out of control, a person can get a skin disease known as tinea versicolor (also known as pityriasis versicolor). This is a very c...

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